venerdì, giugno 30, 2006


My HoHRH is back. I had decided to start stitching this design as a SAL with Carol. I worked on it only at the begininnig of the SAL, then I was busy with other projects and I have not been stitching it for many weeks. As I saw the good progresses of Danielle some days ago I decided to pull out it again. I stitched only a bit, just the words and the border with flowers. I also started the roof of the first house. It's not a good progress but it's a progress. My new goal is working on this pattern every month. I'm trying to reduce my UFOs.

5 commenti:

Leslie aka zoeandcooper ha detto...

Congrats on your progress! Any progress is good progress!

Anne S ha detto...

Every stitch is one step closer to finishing :) Look forward to watching your progress.

Carol ha detto...

Lovely to see HOHRH back again!

Svenja ha detto...

Beautiful pictures! I feel like going on vacation now. :)

Anonimo ha detto...

Good for you to get back to work on it. It is hard to pull some designs back out sometimes, isn't it! I should have stitched my own name, but I stitched what is on the chart--oh well, I can always pick that out later!